CTM - Use Case Solutions

$Revision: 1.2 $ - $Date: 2005/11/11 14:22:57 $


This document provides the solutions for the CTM use cases in the notations AsTMa= and LTM.

1. Status of this Document
2. Introduction
3. Use Case Solutions
3.1. Creating Topics
3.1.1. Topic with an Item Identifier
3.1.2. Typed Topic - Using Item Identifiers
3.1.3. Typed Topic - Using Subject Identifiers
3.1.4. Multi Typed Topic - Using Item Identifiers
3.1.5. Multi Typed Topic - Using Subject Identifiers
3.2. Assigning Topic Names to a Topic
3.2.1. Topic with an Item Identifier and a Topic Name
3.2.2. Topic with a Subject Identifier and a Topic Name
3.2.3. Topic with a Subject Locator and a Topic Name
3.2.4. Typed Topic Name - Using Item Identifiers
3.2.5. Typed Topic Name - Using Subject Identifiers
3.2.6. Scoped Topic Name - Using Item Identifiers
3.2.7. Scoped Topic Name - Using Subject Identifiers
3.2.8. Multi Scoped Topic Name
3.2.9. Typed and Scoped Topic Name
3.2.10. Topic Name with a Variant of datatype String
3.2.11. Topic Name with a Variant of datatype XML
3.2.12. Topic Name with a Variant of datatype IRI
3.2.13. Topic Name with a Variant of a non-TMDM datatype
3.3. Assigning Occurrences to a Topic
3.3.1. Occurrence of datatype String
3.3.2. Typed Occurrence of datatype String - Using Item Identifiers
3.3.3. Typed Occurrence of datatype String - Using Subject Identifiers
3.3.4. Scoped Occurrence of datatype String - Using Item Identifiers
3.3.5. Scoped Occurrence of datatype String - Using Subject Identifiers
3.3.6. Occurrence of datatype XML
3.3.7. Occurrence of datatype IRI
3.3.8. Occurrence of a non-TMDM datatype
3.4. Creating Associations
3.4.1. Creating an Association
3.4.2. Scoped Association
3.4.3. Untyped Association
3.4.4. Untyped Association Role
3.4.5. Supertype-Subtype relationship - Using Item Identifiers
3.4.6. Supertype-Subtype relationship - Using Subject Identifiers
3.5. Reification
3.5.1. Reification of a Topic Map
3.5.2. Reification of a Topic Name
3.5.3. Reification of a Variant
3.5.4. Reification of an Occurrence
3.5.5. Reification of an Association
3.5.6. Reification of an Association Role
3.6.1. Singleline Comment
3.6.2. Multiline Comment
3.6.3. Local comments????
3.7. Medium sized topic map

1. Status of this Document

This document is an working draft to collect the CTM use case solutions in the AsTMa= and LTM notation.

2. Introduction


3. Use Case Solutions

3.1. Creating Topics

This section contains use cases to create topics. Additionally this section defines use cases for creating type-instance relationships between topics. While the type-instance relationship is created with an association, the authors of this document assume that each syntax has a short hand notation for this common use case.

3.1.1. Topic with an Item Identifier

  • AsTMa=

  • LTM

3.1.2. Typed Topic - Using Item Identifiers

  • AsTMa=

    john (person)
    # Alternative: Using the built-in association template "is-a" that creates
    # an type-instance association where the far left topic becomes the instance
    # and the right topic becomes the type:
    john is-a person
  • LTM

3.1.3. Typed Topic - Using Subject Identifiers

  • AsTMa=

    # AsTMa= uses the "i'" prefix to indicate that a URI is a subject identifier
    john (i'http://psi.example.org/person)
    # or:
    john is-a i'http://psi.example.org/person
    # Also possible (using the prefix directive)
    # The i' in front indicates that the URI can only be used as subject identifier!
    %prefix ex i'http://psi.example.org/
    john is-a ex:person
    john (ex:person)
  • LTM

3.1.4. Multi Typed Topic - Using Item Identifiers

  • AsTMa=

    john (person musician)
    # or
    john is-a person is-a musician
  • LTM

3.1.5. Multi Typed Topic - Using Subject Identifiers

  • AsTMa=

    john (i'http://psi.example.org/person i'http://psi.example.org/musician)
    # Solutions for "is-a" and the prefix directive omitted, see 3.1.3 and 3.1.4
  • LTM

3.2. Assigning Topic Names to a Topic

This section contains use cases to create topic names and their variant names.

3.2.1. Topic with an Item Identifier and a Topic Name

  • AsTMa=

    tn: John Lennon
    # It's also possible to use quotes (either " or ') to 
    # mark the begin and end of values
    tn: "John Lennon"
    tn: 'John Lennon'
  • LTM

3.2.2. Topic with a Subject Identifier and a Topic Name

  • AsTMa=

    tn: The Beatles
  • LTM

3.2.3. Topic with a Subject Locator and a Topic Name

  • AsTMa=

    # An URI with no prefix is used to indicate subject locators
    tn: Official website of The Beatles
  • LTM

3.2.4. Typed Topic Name - Using Item Identifiers

  • AsTMa=

    tn (fullname): John Ono Lennon
  • LTM

3.2.5. Typed Topic Name - Using Subject Identifiers

  • AsTMa=

    tn (i'http://psi.example.org/fullname ): John Ono Lennon
    # Again, prefixes may be used:
    %prefix ex i'http://psi.example.org/
    tn (ex:fullname): John Ono Lennon
    # Or, with an 'unqualified' prefix defintion:
    %prefix ex http://psi.example.org/
    tn (i'ex:fullname): John Ono Lennon
  • LTM

3.2.6. Scoped Topic Name - Using Item Identifiers

  • AsTMa=

    tn @fullname: John Winston Lennon
  • LTM

3.2.7. Scoped Topic Name - Using Subject Identifiers

  • AsTMa=

    tn @i'http://example.org/fullname: John Winston Lennon
    # Using prefixes is also allowed here, see 3.2.5 for an example
  • LTM

3.2.8. Multi Scoped Topic Name

  • AsTMa=

    tn: The Beatles
    tn @nickname short: Fab Four
  • LTM

3.2.9. Typed and Scoped Topic Name

  • AsTMa=

    tn @yoko (fullname): John Ono Lennon
  • LTM

3.2.10. Topic Name with a Variant of datatype String

  • AsTMa=

    tn: John Lennon
    var @sortname: lennon, john
    # AsTMa= v2.0 assumes automatically that the datatype of the variant is
    # http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string if the value does not
    # begin with a known URI protocol. It is also possible to make 
    # this explicit:
    tn: John Lennon
    var @sortname: "lennon, john"^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string
    # Shorter through prefix defintion:
    %prefix xs http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#
    tn: John Lennon
    var @sortname: "lennon, john"^^xs:string
  • LTM

3.2.11. Topic Name with a Variant of datatype XML

  • AsTMa=

    tn: John Lennon
    var @markup: "<b>John Lennon</b>"^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyType
    # Solution using a prefix omitted.
  • LTM

3.2.12. Topic Name with a Variant of datatype IRI

  • AsTMa=

    # See 3.2.10: The AsTMa= processor is aware of commonly used URI protocols, like
    # http, file, etc., so normally there is no need to qualify the strings and 
    # and URIs:
    tn: John Lennon
    var @image: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Jk_beatles_john.jpg
    # Explicit datatype:
    tn: John Lennon
    var @image: "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Jk_beatles_john.jpg"^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI
    # Prefix solution omitted
  • LTM

3.2.13. Topic Name with a Variant of a non-TMDM datatype

  • AsTMa=

    tn: Revolution 9
    var @number: "9"^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer
    # Prefix solution omitted
  • LTM

3.3. Assigning Occurrences to a Topic

This section defines use cases for creating occurrences.

3.3.1. Occurrence of datatype String

  • AsTMa=

    # Note: AsTMa= makes a difference between inline occurrences
    # (like strings, integers etc.) and external occurrences, that
    # are always URIs
    # For inline occurrences AsTMa= uses the keyword "in".
    # For external occurrences AsTMa= v2.0 uses the keyword "ex".
    # For backward compatibilty with AsTMa= 1.3 it is also possible 
    # to qualify an _external_ occurrence with the keyword "oc"
    in: I read the news today, oh boy
    # AsTMa= handels this automatically as string. It's also possible to 
    # make it more explicit:
    in: "I read the news today, oh boy"^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string
    # Prefix solution omitted
  • LTM

3.3.2. Typed Occurrence of datatype String - Using Item Identifiers

  • AsTMa=

    in (lyrics): I read the news today, oh boy
  • LTM

3.3.3. Typed Occurrence of datatype String - Using Subject Identifiers

  • AsTMa=

    in (i'http://psi.example.org/lyrics): I read the news today, oh boy
    # Using a prefix:
    %prefix ex i'http://psi.example.org/
    in (ex:lyrics): I read the news today, oh boy
  • LTM

3.3.4. Scoped Occurrence of datatype String - Using Item Identifiers

  • AsTMa=

    in @en: I read the news today, oh boy
  • LTM

3.3.5. Scoped Occurrence of datatype String - Using Subject Identifiers

  • AsTMa=

    in @i'http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/language.xtm#en: I read the news today, oh boy
    # With prefix defintion:
    %prefix xtm i'http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/language.xtm#
    in @xtm:en: I read the news today, oh boy
  • LTM

3.3.6. Occurrence of datatype XML

  • AsTMa=

    in: "<html><head><title>A day in the life</title></head><body><p>I read the news today, oh boy</p></body></html>"^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyType
    # Alternative: Breaking up the string using triple quotes
    # Note that this would insert "\n"'s into the XML
    in: """<html>
    <title>A day in the life</title>
    <p>I read the news today, oh boy</p>
    # Alternative: Using line continuation with the backslash at 
    # the end of the line. The XML would then be in one line (no \n's inserted)
    # Using the backslash can be done with simple quoted strings (" or ')
    # and triple quoted strings (""" or ''')
    in: "<html>\
    <title>A day in the life</title>\
    <p>I read the news today, oh boy</p>\
  • LTM

3.3.7. Occurrence of datatype IRI

  • AsTMa=

    # As said AsTMa= distinguishes between external and internal occurrences
    # External occurrences are automatically datatyped with 
    # http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI
    ex: http://beatles.com/
    # AsTMa= v1.3 compatibility
    oc: http://beatles.com/
    # This is also be possible but is against our intention
    in: "http://beatles.com/"^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI
  • LTM

3.3.8. Occurrence of a non-TMDM datatype

  • AsTMa=

    in: "2"^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer
  • LTM

3.4. Creating Associations

This sections defines use cases to create associations and association roles.

3.4.1. Creating an Association

  • AsTMa=

    work: yesterday
    creator: mccartney
    # Possible: Defintion of an association template (useful if 
    # the 'created-by' association occurs more than once
    # Association template definition (take care of the [] brackets!)
      work: http://astma.it.bond.edu.au/authoring/psi/1.0#left
      creator: http://astma.it.bond.edu.au/authoring/psi/1.0#right
    # The URIs http://astma... are placeholders. The ...#left URI
    # will be replaced by a topic that occurs at the far left and
    # the right URI will be replaced by the topic at the right side
    # Applying the association template:
    yesterday created-by mccartney
    # The effect of the "yesterday created-by mccartney" statement is
    # the same as the association defintion in the first solution
  • LTM

3.4.2. Scoped Association

  • AsTMa=

    @inofficial (created-by)
    work: yesterday
    creator: mccartney
    # Using scope is also possible inside an association template:
    [@inofficial (created-by)
      work: http://astma.it.bond.edu.au/authoring/psi/1.0#left
      creator: http://astma.it.bond.edu.au/authoring/psi/1.0#right
    # Applying the association template looks the same as in 3.5.1
    yesterday created-by mccartney
  • LTM

3.4.3. Untyped Association

  • AsTMa=

    # In AsTMa= the empty type (indicated by "()") is 
    # automatically the default type
    work: yesterday
    creator: mccartney
    # Make it more explicit:
    (i'http://psi.topicmaps.com/iso13250/association )
    work: yesterday
    creator: mccartney
  • LTM

3.4.4. Untyped Association Role

  • AsTMa=

    # The star * indicates that an "anonymous" default topic
    # should be created (or if a topic with the subject identifier
    # http://psi.topicmaps.com/iso13250/association-role already
    # exists this topic will be used)
    * : yesterday
    creator: mccartney
  • LTM

3.4.5. Supertype-Subtype relationship - Using Item Identifiers

  • AsTMa=

    # AsTMa= has build-in an association template "subclasses" and
    # the synonym "is-subclass-of" that creates the supertype-subtype
    # association
    # The term "subclass" is carried over from AsTMa= v1.3, maybe we'll 
    # provide "subtypes" and "is-subtype-of" for AsTMa= v2.0 to be d'accord with 
    # TMDM
    song subclasses musical-work
    song is-subclass-of musical-work
    # The two solutions are equal with the explicit association
    # defintion:
    (i'http://psi.topicmaps.com/iso13250/supertype-subtype )
    http://psi.topicmaps.com/iso13250/supertype : musical-work
    http://psi.topicmaps.com/iso13250/subtype : song
  • LTM

3.4.6. Supertype-Subtype relationship - Using Subject Identifiers

  • AsTMa=

    # Using the build-in association template
    i'http://psi.example.org/song subclasses i'http://psi.example.org/musical-work
    i'http://psi.example.org/song is-subclass-of i'http://psi.example.org/musical-work
    # Equivalent association:
    (i'http://psi.topicmaps.com/iso13250/supertype-subtype )
    http://psi.topicmaps.com/iso13250/supertype : i'http://psi.example.org/musical-work
    http://psi.topicmaps.com/iso13250/subtype : i'http://psi.example.org/song
    # With prefix defintion:
    %prefix ex i'http://psi.example.org/
    ex:song subclasses ex:musical-work
  • LTM

3.5. Reification

3.5.1. Reification of a Topic Map

  • AsTMa=

    # Reification has to be done with the "topicmap" directive:
    %topicmap is-reified-by beatles-topicmap
    tn: Topic map about The Beatles
    # The keyword "is-reified-by" is only used for better readability and
    # can be omitted. Shorthand:
    %topicmap beatles-topicmap
    tn: Topic map about The Beatles
  • LTM

3.5.2. Reification of a Topic Name

  • AsTMa=

    # Note: You have to put the topic name value into
    # quotes to reify a topic name. This has to be done
    # to tell the AsTMa= processor where the topic name 
    # value ends. This is also true for topic variants and
    # occurrences
    tn: "John Ono Lennon" is-reified-by name-of-john-lennon
    # DON'T DO THIS:
    # john
    # tn: John Ono Lennon is-reified-by name-of-john-lennon
    #    Result of the DON'T: Value of the topic name is 
    #    "John Ono Lennon is-reified-by name-of-john-lennon"
    # As shorthand "reified-by" can also be used:
    tn: "John Ono Lennon" reified-by name-of-john-lennon
  • LTM

3.5.3. Reification of a Variant

  • AsTMa=

    tn: John Lennon
    var @sortname: "lennon, john" is-reified-by johns-sortname
    # Explicit datatype:
    tn: John Lennon
    var @sortname: "lennon, john"^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string is-reified-by johns-sortname
  • LTM

3.5.4. Reification of an Occurrence

  • AsTMa=

    # For external occurrences no quotes are necessary
    # because a space indicates the end of a URI
    ex: http://johnlennon.com/ reified-by lennons-website
    tn: Official website of John Lennon
  • LTM

3.5.5. Reification of an Association

  • AsTMa=

    (partnership) is-reified-by lennon-mccartney
    partner: lennon
    partner: mccartney
    tn: Lennon / McCartney
  • LTM

3.5.6. Reification of an Association Role

  • AsTMa=

    # Not possible with AsTMa= 
  • LTM


The CTM should support comments to annotate the topic map content.

3.6.1. Singleline Comment

  • AsTMa=

    # This is a topic map about The Beatles
  • LTM

3.6.2. Multiline Comment

  • AsTMa=

    # This is a topic map about The Beatles
    # Authored by John Doe
  • LTM

3.6.3. Local comments????

  • AsTMa=

    # Examples:
    john # This creates a topic with the item identifier "john"

  • LTM

3.7. Medium sized topic map

To get an impression how a medium sized topic map in the various notations looks like, we define a topic map in the above mentioned problem domain.

  • AsTMa=

    Note, that this solution would produce an other CXTM output than the XTM topic map. I tried to use subject identifiers as much as possible.

    %version 2.0
    %topicmap reified-by beatles-map
    # Prefix definitions
    %prefix music i'http://psi.example.org/music/
    %prefix xtm   i'http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#
    %prefix lang  i'http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/language.xtm#
    %prefix astma http://astma.it.bond.edu.au/authoring/psi/1.0#
    # Defintions of named association templates
    # Named association templates are mainly used where the type
    # of the association template is specified by a subject identifier
    created-by = [(i'http://psi.example.org/created-by )
       work: astma:left
       i'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator: astma:right
    is-member-of = [(membership)
       member: astma:left
       group: astma:right
    is-track-on = [(i'http://psi.test.org/assoc#istrackof)
                   track: astma:left
                   container: astma:right
      tn: Topic map about The Bealtes
      tn: Membership
      tn @group: has member
      tn @member: is member of
      tn: Partnership
      tn: lyrics
      in(description): The text of a song
      tn: album
      si: http://psi.test.org/music#album # Note: "si" is the keyword for subject identifier
      tn: musical work
    music:song subclasses music:musical-work
      tn: song
      tn @lang:de: Lied
    music:instrumental subclasses music:musical-work
      tn: instrumental
      in (description): An instrumental is a musical work that is performed by instruments only.
      tn: description
      tn: website
      tn: partner
      tn: The Beatles
      var @xtm:sort: beatles, the
      si: http://psi.example.org/music/beatles/the%20beatles
      ex (website): http://thebeatles.com
    # The four beatles
    john is-a person is-member-of the-beatles
      tn: John Lennon
      var @xtm:sort: lennon, john
      si: http://psi.example.org/music/beatles/john
    paul is-a person is-member-of the-beatles
      tn: Paul McCartney
      var@xtm:sort: mccartney, paul
      si: http://psi.example.org/music/beatles/paul
    ringo is-a person is-member-of the-beatles
      tn: Ringo Starr
      var @xtm:sort: starr, ringo
      si: http://psi.example.org/music/beatles/ringo
    george is-a person is-member-of the-beatles
      tn: George Harrison
      var @xtm:sort: harrison, george
      si: http://psi.example.org/music/beatles/george
    # Creating the Lennon / McCartney association
    (partnership) is-reified-by lennon-mccartney
    partner: paul john
    # The reifier of the association
      tn: Lennon / McCartney
    # The albums
    sgt-pepper-album is-a album
      tn: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
      si: http://psi.testing.org/beatles/album/sgtpepper
    mmt-album is-a album
      tn: Magical Mystery Tour
      si: http://psi.testing.org/beatles/album/magicalmysterytour
    # The songs
    # Note, that a backslash indicates that the line is continued
    adayinthelife is-a music:song created-by lennon-mccartney \
                  is-track-on sgt-pepper-album
      tn: A day in the life
      in (length): 5:03
      in (lyrics): """\
    I read the news today oh, boy
    About a lucky man who made the grade
    And though the news was rather sad
    Well, I just had to laugh
    I saw the photograph
    He blew his mind out in a car 
    flying is-a music:instrumental is-track-on mmt-album \
           created-by the-beatles
      tn: Flying
      in (length): 2:16

  • LTM

     * Note that this TM was created automatically and may not look so nice
     * as it should do.
    @"utf-8" #VERSION "1.3"
    /* ----------------- TOPIC MAP ----------------- */
    #TOPICMAP ~ beatles-topic
    [beatles-topic = "Topic map about The Beatles"]
    /* ----------------- ONTOLOGY ------------------ */
    /* ----------------- Topic Types --------------- */
    [album = "album"
    [instrumental = "instrumental"
       {instrumental, description, [[An instrumental is a musical work that is performed by instruments only.]]}
    [person = "person"
    [song = "song"
          = "Lied" / id2
    /* ----------------- Type Hierarchy ------------ */
    id8( musical-work : id6, instrumental : id7 )
    id8( musical-work : id6, song : id7 )
    /* ----------------- Role Types ---------------- */
    [partner = "partner"]
    /* ----------------- Association Types --------- */
    [membership = "Membership"
                = "has member" / group
                = "is member of" / member]
    [partnership = "partnership"]
    /* ----------------- Occurrence Types ---------- */
    [description = "description"]
    [length = "length"]
    [lyrics = "lyrics"
       {lyrics, description, [[The text of a song]]}
    [website = "website"]
    /* ----------------- INSTANCES ----------------- */
    /* ----------------- Topics -------------------- */
    /* -- TT: album -- */
    [mmt-album : album = "Magical Mystery Tour"
    [sgtpepper-album : album = "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"
    /* -- TT: instrumental -- */
    [flying : instrumental = "Fyling"]
       {flying, length, [[2:16]]}
    /* -- TT: music-group -- */
    [thebeatles : music-group = "The Beatles"; "beatles, the"
       {thebeatles, website, "http://thebeatles.com"}
    /* -- TT: person -- */
    [george : person = "George Harrison"; "harrison, george"
    [john : person = "John Lennon"; "lennon, john"
    [paul : person = "Paul McCartney"; "mccartney, paul"
    [ringo : person = "Ringo Starr"; "starr, ringo"
    /* -- TT: song -- */
    [adayinthelife : song = "A day in the life"]
       {adayinthelife, length, [[5:03]]}
       {adayinthelife, lyrics, [[I read the news today oh, boy
    About a lucky man who made the grade
    And though the news was rather sad
    Well, I just had to laugh
    I saw the photograph
    He blew his mind out in a car 
    /* -- TT: (untyped) -- */
    [lennon-mccartney-reifier = "Lennon / McCartney"]
    [musical-work = "Musical work"
    /* ----------------- Associations -------------- */
    /* -- AT: id3 */
    id3( mmt-album : id5, flying : track )
    id3( sgtpepper-album : id5, adayinthelife : track )
    /* -- AT: id4 */
    id4( lennon-mccartney-reifier : id9, adayinthelife : work )
    id4( thebeatles : id9, flying : work )
    /* -- AT: membership */
    membership( thebeatles : group, george : member )
    membership( thebeatles : group, john : member )
    membership( thebeatles : group, paul : member )
    membership( thebeatles : group, ringo : member )
    /* -- AT: partnership */
    partnership( john : partner, paul : partner ) ~ lennon-mccartney-reifier